Arts Council EnglandCulture Declares

Solange Leon Iriarte

.. is a Scottish - Chilean artist and interdisciplinary designer working in Sussex, often outdoors in unforgiving conditions. Her architectural training strongly influences her work and her passion for drawing. She feels the liveliness of line work helps her weave the complexity of the movement of both subject and space, capturing the distinct feel of a place. Her dedication and loyalty to subject is evident in each intense mark. Incorporating atmosphere, line and technical skill, her works are immediately recognisable and are found in many private collections. Her MA in Sustainable Design introduced her gestural abstracts, focusing on opacities, interdependence, balance and our relationship to Time and the environment. Her work was awarded a DYCP grant by Arts Council England to continue her environmental artistic research with organic chemistry & sustainable practices. Solange is on the advisory board of Forests Without Frontiers. 

'Towards the Light' - Bluescapes, Arts Council England

Supported by Arts Council England, these artworks explore concepts of sustainable time and duration. They are made using biodegradable materials and organic chemistry - cyanotypes and photograms. They examine the balance between that which needs to last or leave no trace on the planet and explore concepts of complexities, opacity, movement and interdependence. A return to light working from the dark hours of the night.

'Towards the Light' - Sustainable Practice & Toning, Arts Council England.

Explorative work generously funded by ARTS COUNCIL England, including The Sustainable Darkroom & ONCA Gallery in Brighton. I am grateful to all those artists who taught me and inspired me along the way, and whose ideas and views are intertwined here with my own. Special thanks to rare textiles collector and Renaissance woman Esther Fitzgerald and to the incomparable pen and mind of writer Holly Dawson.

Cyanotypes - Anthotypes, Toning, Natural bleaching, Staining, Pigments, Tinctures and mixed media.

'Towards the Light'- Natural pigments - Arts Council England

AppleOak Natural Fabrics, County Clare, Ireland. Slow sustainable artist's practice. Creating organic durable paints from dried lake pigments with Alum extraction, from dye lakes,  colour balance and pH, iron water, mordants, and fixatives—original artwork on canvas and paper made with guidance from the extraordinary artist Jennifer Liendhart.


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